Paulownia seedlings are grown under laboratory conditions, so there is a better chance that the plant will thrive than if Paulownia seeds were planted directly in the soil. When the height of the seedling is 10-14 centimeters, it is ready to be transplanted. Since the plant has a very tender stem and leaves, it is better if it is acclimatized and strengthens before transplanting. Leave it for 3-5 days at a average temperature, protected from direct sunlight. Before transplanting a Paulownia seedling, the ground is cleared of stones and weeds, and it is better if soil is enriched with fertilizer. Paulownia seedlings need regular watering in the first years of life. It is also better if you protect it from strong winds.
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Plantation is good to be planted at areas without strong winds reaching over 28km/h. When there are stronger winds at the place of planting stabilizing post has to be put during the first year of development until they form strong wooden stem. The speed of the wind is dangerous for the young plants over 45km/h and such areas have to be avoided
Paulownia wood is the lightest known timber other than balsa. It is also named the Aluminium of Timber. It is around two thirds of the weight of the lightest commercial wood currently being grown in Europe. Paulownia wood is one third of the weight of Oak and half the weight of Pine.
When new plantations of Paulownia are to be establishment, watering in the field is carried out with plenty of water – provided they have not been rained before – before planting the seedlings. Then, on the day of planting, new irrigation takes place again with plenty of water, and the next irrigation takes place 2-4 days later. For the next two to three weeks, 10-30 liters of water per day and plant are given daily, then the irrigations are diluted to 1 to 2 per week. For established plantations, it is recommended that in the growth period, irrigate takes place 1 to 2 times a week with 20-50 liters per tree – depending on the size of the tree and the soil / climate conditions.
Plantation is good to be planted at areas without strong winds reaching over 28km/h. When there are stronger winds at the place of planting stabilizing post has to be put during the first year of development until they form strong wooden stem. The speed of the wind is dangerous for the young plants over 45km/h and such areas have to be avoided
Paulownia wood is the lightest known timber other than balsa. It is also named the Aluminium of Timber. It is around two thirds of the weight of the lightest commercial wood currently being grown in Europe. Paulownia wood is one third of the weight of Oak and half the weight of Pine.
When new plantations of Paulownia are to be establishment, watering in the field is carried out with plenty of water – provided they have not been rained before – before planting the seedlings. Then, on the day of planting, new irrigation takes place again with plenty of water, and the next irrigation takes place 2-4 days later. For the next two to three weeks, 10-30 liters of water per day and plant are given daily, then the irrigations are diluted to 1 to 2 per week. For established plantations, it is recommended that in the growth period, irrigate takes place 1 to 2 times a week with 20-50 liters per tree – depending on the size of the tree and the soil / climate conditions.
Treeman is the company that concentrates on Paulownia, one of the most interesting tree in the world. We aim to help landowners cultivate Paulownia and get good profit from their land. Paulownia business is a lossless production, every part of it is useful and has a great range of use.Our hard working team wants to built a strong, trustful and friendly connections with clients, by providing them with the high quality Paulownia seedlings, sharing experience and knowledge.
Paulownia tree business will bring you good profit and will be beneficial for environment as well.Our company is more than happy to help you and guide in the world of Paulownia “The Tree Of The Future”.
we have our logistics partners that are ready to bring the product to you fast.
we organized our operations in a way that allow us to provide competitive prices for a quality product.
we work in a way to build reliable relationships with our clients.